Sermon Summary:
DNA Our Values: Serving
· One of our core values is “serving” which means “generously giving our time, talent, and treasure.” · Jesus commissioned Peter and the other disciples to serve his mission, but they abandoned it to live a more comfortable life (John 21:1–3a).
· Jesus confronts Peter and gets him to recommit to his service to build the church (John 21:3b-17, Mat 16:18-19)
· Like Peter, we are called to feed Jesus’ sheep (1 Peter 2:5, 4:7-11)
· How do we serve the church? By generously giving our time, talent, and treasure.
· We should give up our time, talent, and treasure for Jesus because he gave up everything for us. · Jesus first asks “Do you love me?” and when Peter says “yes” then Jesus says, “Feed my sheep.”
- We need to be primarily motivated by our love for God. This is the only way we can truly stay on mission with him.
· Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him because Peter denied him three times.
- Every time we deny Jesus and stray from his mission, it is because we have lost our first love. Therefore, we must continually renew our love for him.