Sermon Summary:
· Those who follow Jesus have a name that implies a certain identity: Christian.
- This name implies an identity that is weird because it is far from normal.
- Our weird identity is to be citizens of Heaven and not citizens of Earth (Philippians 3:17-21).
- We know we are citizens of heaven because we yearn to be there and will not be satisfied until we are.
· As citizens of Heaven, Christians are called to be heaven-like. We are called to be different and WEIRD and to bring that weirdness into this world to make it a little more like heaven.
- A citizen of heaven cannot have dual citizenship.
· To maintain our kingdom identity we need to be more focused on heavenly things than on earthly things.
- We can do this by following the example of other heavenly minded Christians.
· We should act as citizens of Heaven because Christ is coming back.